Monday, November 13, 2017

The Philippine Resale Market of Today

For most, the local resale market, known as “buy & sell,” was pioneered by was There were others, and other means, but Sulit was the one that caught the public by convenience. The new outlet of the internet gave buyers and sellers the ease to find each other across the country.
Convenience is king, and with it, Sulit gained enough momentum to be bought up by OLX. By then, the trend of digital classified ads began to take shape, and dozens of new names began to surface, all vying to provide people access to this emerging market.
At some point everyone has consumer goods and products that they no longer have use for. Most often these would be gadgets and appliances- products that still functioned properly, but were no longer desirable for a number of reasons.

Click here to know more about   buy and sell philippines 

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