Saturday, April 28, 2018

How to lead someone to Christ with ease

How to lead someone to Christ with ease
Today, there are so many Christians worldwide who have no idea how to win souls. The truth is that, evangelism is the core of every believer in Christ. Unfortunately, so many people have no idea how to go about evangelism. That is a problem. Most Christians who want to go about evangelism ask how to lead someone to Christ. This is one question that most Christians ask and always need answers to. The very initial question that every born again Christian needs to ask is how they can also lead others to Christ. The joy and fulfillment that Christ brings you should be shared.
There are many ways you can lead someone to Christ. Below are some how to lead someone to Christ tips:
1.       You must be the perfect example. Unbelievers although not followers and believers of Christ always watch the lives of Christians. They do that to know if there is something worth following through with the Christian faith. No matter your calling, you need to always have the right example set. Leading a good life and living the way Christ teaches in the Holy Bible is the best way to win the admiration of the unsaved to be saved. When you are a born again, but still do the old things, it doesn’t help. Remember, the Holy Bible makes it clear how a person becomes a new person when he or she accepts Christ Jesus. You need to make that show forth in your attitude and that is important.
2.       Appreciating cosmic irrelevance is another how to lead someone to Christ method. The truth about the world is that, the earth is not the only plant. However, God is the maker of them all and watches over us all. Most times, you might feel you can have your own life transformed and do everything on your own. The truth is that, this is not entirely the truth. There are so many things that are not right where such thoughts are concerned. God works in a unique way and understanding that will help you win souls to Him through Christ Jesus. When you are able to understand that the world is not in your hands, it is easier for you to permit God to come in and guide your path. Yes. He guides you to lead others to receive Christ Jesus.
3.       Have the right Bible verses that can help you understand how to lead someone to Christ and make it easier for you to extend that understanding. Just do not rush things.
Guiding a soul to lead to Christ is the duty of every Christ followers and for this there are many verses from the holy book that you can use for your help.

Click here to know more about   How to Lead Someone to Christ

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