Tuesday, September 12, 2017


1. Job Student
Students, students and more students. You are reading well, Seal Jobs focuses on job students from now on . Every year thousands of students are looking for a secondary earner. We want to help them as well as possible!
Students can work through Seal Jobs in 6 different sectors . These sectors for working students were divided into numerous job functions (see below for more on that). By indicating specific job features, students only get jobs for jobs they really want to perform. Because a job you're looking forward to doing is better.
2. Snooze function
Are you going on vacation? Do you have to study for exams? Or do you just want to have a good laugh instead of working? We understand that the bow can not always be tense. Therefore, you can now snooze your account on Seal Jobs .
3. Improved preference settings
A picture says more than a thousand words, that also applies to icons. We have thoroughly refined the flow of preferences on Seal Jobs. The job categories were changed from single words to clear icons. This will enable you to fill in your preferences faster , and focus on what really matters; find and retrieve a student job.
4. More efficient matching
The last but certainly not least important novelty is the improved matching . New matching criteria ensure students get in touch with the right employer. By taking into account the behavior of the student and the employer on the recruitment platform, the two parties find the faster they are looking for.
Click here to know more about   weekendwerk    (Weekend work)

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