Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Top advantages of high-frequency electromagnetic waves

Top advantages of high-frequency electromagnetic waves
The millimeter wave frequencies, commonly found between microwaves and infrared waves, are high-frequency or hyperfrequency (hyperfrequence) electromagnetic waves that have the potential of providing solutions to the ever-growing demand for high-speed and bandwidth communication needs. Millimeter waves have a high frequency range of between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, which is also equal to a wavelength range of 10 mm -1mm. Over the years, affordable and advanced technologies have allowed for proper use of widespread millimeter waves. Through this widespread use, it has resulted in effective expansion of fast data and wireless communication applications while at the same time reduced the pressure on lower frequencies.
Today, data rates can now reach speeds of up to 10Gbps. This is possible through applications such as point-to-point broadband access and WLANS, wireless and mobile networks, high-resolution video streams and automotive radar options among others. Generally, there are many advantages of millimeter wave frequencies. First, it should be understood that there is an increased demand for bandwidth due to the increased number and use of different types of communication devices. This means that meeting the worldwide communication needs and requirements for high-speed data transfers through the wireless network possess some challenges because of limited spectrum.
In order to address these challenges, most applications today are now limited to frequencies of only 30 GHz. The 30 GHz frequency range is now congested thereby restricting the proper exploitation of new technologies. The advantage, however, is that the hyperfrequencies (hyperfrequences) wave spectrums, which were previously only reserved for scientific and military applications, are now being availed for commercial and consumer applications. With such a move, it can reduce the demand for lower frequencies and at the same time allow for the proper exploitation of frequency-dependent applications and technologies.
Besides the restricted allocation of frequencies in the range of 30GHz to 300GHZ, in previous years, there have not been many applications that work at such high frequencies. Currently, however, many manufacturers are now producing applications and components that have the capacity of handling the Millimetre wave (millimetrique). There are many manufacturers who are today developing very affordable applications and components that are progressively making the use of millimeter waves more practical in different types of applications.
The introduction of newer technologies as well as semiconductor materials like gallium nitride, indium phosphide and gallium arsenide are easing the way for building components such as transistors at submicron size. The transistors being built today are actually smaller than 40nm. But despite the potential use and applications of millimeter waves, the components being built today are very costly. Manufacturing such small-sized components or transistors of 40nm and below requires a lot of care and precision. These factors significantly increase the cost of manufacturing these components.    
Click here to know more about   coupleur hyperfrequence (Microwave Coupler)

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