Saturday, April 1, 2017

The benefits of buying a hair straightening brush

The benefits of buying a hair straightening brush
The best hair straightening brush 2017he main benefit of buying a hair straightener brush is hair health. Flat irons straighten most hair types perfectly well. However, because the hair is in constant contact with the hot surface of the iron, it’s exposed to the brunt of the heat. Over time, that damage takes its toll. Initially, after extensive flatiron use, hair will become dull and dry. As time goes on, breakage and severe damage will occur. If that worst-case scenario ends up happening, depending on how bad your damage and breakage is, you may have to cut your hair, which can be terribly upsetting to someone who has always had long hair.
A Hair brush straightener, on the other hand, protects your hair. Yes, they use heat. And many of them can reach higher temperatures than flatirons. (More on that later.) However, the bristles on the straightening brush keep your hair from being directly exposed to the heating plate. Because your hair comes into less direct contact with the heat source, it doesn’t get damaged. And on that note, there are those who use a traditional straightener only three days a week (the max recommended amount) and accrue major hair damage; while, many who use a hair straightening brush everyday never get any damage at all, and when they do, it’s not only unusual, but the damage is usually very minimal at most.
Safety is one of the major benefits of buying a hair straightening brush. The best hair straightening brush is one that is equipped with an automatic shutoff timer, so if you forget to switch it off, you don’t risk burning your house down.
And while we’re talking about burns and safety, there’s the topic of burning yourself. Flatirons are notorious for burning your fingers, wrists and scalp; because, again, the heated surface is exposed and comes into direct contact with your hair, which means it can come into direct contact with other parts of you too.
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