Friday, September 21, 2018

Want Natural Remedies to Combat and Prevent Diseases: Try Oranges (Naranjas)

Want Natural Remedies to Combat and Prevent Diseases Try Oranges (Naranjas)

Not all cheap commodities are cheap in value. Oranges (Naranjas) are cheap in price but have great nutritional and health benefits. From dietitians, to nutritionists, cardiovascular specialists and even dermatologist, citrus fruits have been shown to have immense values and benefits. They may look so small in size but they contain just the right amount of compounds the human body and systems need to function properly and adequately. Nutritionally, they contain just the right amount of all the major nutrients required by the body for proper functioning. They contain vitamins, minerals and other body building nutrients in the right proportions.
According to American Heart Association (AHA), regular consumption of oranges (naranjas) reduces the chances of ischemic stroke in women. Regular consumption lowers risk of getting stroke by as much as nineteen percent. They also contain sodium and potassium which are essential for the proper functioning of the heart. These two elements ensure the normalizing of the blood pressure and excellent cardio-vascular health. In the long run, this will push away chances of heart disease and infection and every other associated problem. They are also useful supplements for treating heart-related dysfunction. Potassium especially helps put the heart in good working state.
All seasons round, oranges Valencia (naranjas Valencia) are always available to make the nutritional and health benefits they give available. These fruits contain vitamin c –a very good antioxidant that combats cells malfunction. Experts in treating cancer have proven that the vitamin c content in the citrus fruit is very effective in fighting cancer. In fact, it is believed that with further researches, very soon, vitamin c at a specified dose will be used to treat cancer. The antioxidant also helps boost the body immune system. As the immune system is strengthened, the body is well defended against diseases and infections.
Oranges Valencia (naranjas Valencia) serve as the major raw material for the juice industries. This juice contains totally natural fruits thus retaining their nutritional and health values. Citrus fruits also contain just the right amounts of calories, fiber, thiamin and folate. All these ensure proper functioning of the body system and make the right nutrients available in the body. Fiber ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system. Folate is very important for cell divisions and essential in infants and pregnant women. It is also necessary in the formation of red blood cells and helps to combat sickle cell and anemia.
Oranges (naranjas) also contain thiamin-vitamin B1 which helps the body to make energy available from carbohydrates. Thiamin also assists in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve signals. The antioxidants in these fruits also help to ensure and promote healthy skin. Their low calories content also ensures a reduction in the risk of diabetes. Hence, at low cost, citrus fruits have great values.

Click here to know more about    Quiero las mejores naranjas (Want the Best Oranges)

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